Apply for work experience placements and jobs

Publicerat av: Eva Rydegran ·


It may take some time before you get an interview at any of the jobs you apply for. Perhaps a first step could be to apply for a work experience placement?

Making contact yourself is different from replying to a job advertisement. After all, the employer has not asked for an application – you need to arouse interest. But if you succeed in this, you will not have any competitors who are looking for the same position.

Find contact information

If you don't already have a contact at the company, look for contact information on the company's website. Often there is a heading called something like Work for us. This will have advertisements for vacancies and often direct contact information to the HR department. Sometimes the wording spontaneous application (spontanansökan) is also mentioned – this means to apply for a job without the company advertising a vacancy.

Further down this page you will find contact information for all companies that are members of Swedenergy - Energiföretagen Sverige.

Make it easy for the recipient

Write a short email and attach your CV as a PDF file.

  • Briefly describe why you are making contact. Example: My name is X, I am currently studying X (education or training) and I am now looking for a work experience placement/job at...
  • Keep a positive tone and give an example of why you are contacting this particular company. Example: I have heard a lot of positive things about you (give an example) and would like to get to know you better.
  • If you are applying for a work experience placement, it is important to specify the period in question. Example: I am looking for a full-time work experience placement during the period 1 September – 30 October.
  • Describe what you want the company to do with your email. Example: I hope you can pass my work experience request on to the right person.
  • Finish in a way that keeps the initiative with you. Example: I'll get back to you within a couple of weeks to follow up on your interest.

More paths to work experience in the energy industry

Jobbsprånget  – a four-month internship for foreign-born graduates with technical training. Applications take place twice a year, in July/August and December/January.

Take every chance to network

Getting to know others in your professional field increases your chances of getting a job.

Click the white bar to read more.


Here are the energy companies Regionindelning_bild[1].jpg

Swedenergy - Energiföretagen Sverige is a trade association of approximately 400 energy companies throughout Sweden. Here you will find contact information, broken down by region.

The companies are listed in the following files. They are divided by region. 

Companies in the North region

Companies in the Central region

Companies in the West region

Companies in the South region 


Kontakta mig om du vill veta mer

Elin Fellers

Elin Fellers

Projektkoordinator välutbildade nyanlända
Enhet: Kommunikation
Telefon: 08-677 26 93
Mobil: 0701-64 44 47