Welcome to Swedenergy - Energiföretagen Sverige
Published by Anna Lejestrand ·
The English part of our website aims to briefly explain who we are, and what we do. If you are looking for more extensive information about us, or the Swedish energy sector in general, you are most welcome to contact us by sending an email to info@energiforetagen.se.
About us
Swedenergy is a non-profit industry and special interest organisation for companies that supply, distribute, sell, and store energy. Mainly electricity, heating, and cooling. Swedenergy monitors and promotes the interests of its members and the Swedish energy sector in general. The organisation has a total of 400 members, which includes state-owned, municipal, and private companies as well as associations within the energy sector.
An efficient energy system
During the past 100 years Sweden has built one of the most efficient energy systems in the world, with a 98 percent carbon free electricity generation and disrict heating covers 50 percent of all heating. In 2021 hydro power produced approx 71 TWh, nuclear 50,5 TWh, wind 27,5 and combined heat and power (CHP) produced around 15 TWh, and solar a modest 1 TWh.
Sweden's district heating system produces around 55 TWh yearly. Our well-developed district heating systems enable us to utilise energy resources that would otherwise be wasted, such as waste heat from industry and energy from the recycling of waste. Combined heat and power ensures the best possible use of these resources. In district heating, only 6 percent of fuels come from fossil resources, the rest is made up of renewable energy (42 %) or in different ways recovered heat.
With a broad combination of production facilities, Sweden is not dependent on one individual energy source. The diverse generation mix has also delivered prices of electricity and district heating which are among the most favorable in Europe. The diversity in generation - with a low carbon footprint - combined with a highly developed grid structure for electricity and district heating, induce a very high level of security of supply in Sweden.
We are commited to a fossile free Sweden and EU
Swedenergy's work addresses all the three parts of the Energy Triangle: Climate and environment, Security of supply, and Competitiveness. We are committed to contribute to Sweden's climate goal - to be a fossile free nation by 2045. Swedenergy also works to support ambitious climate goals in the EU.