Välkommen på WEC:s höstseminarium!

Publicerat av: Anna Lejestrand ·

WEC Sverige bjuder in till höstseminarium med fokus på ett europeiskt
energisystem i förändring. Hur robust är systemet egentligen och hur påverkar klimatförändringarna systemet och våra möjligheter att klara energibehovet? Bland gästerna finns bland andra: Caroline Lee, IEA; Håkon Borgen, Statnett; Stephan Krieger från tyska BDEW samt representanter från våra svenska myndigheter Svk och Energimyndigheten.

Inbjudan och programmet i sin helhet nedan.

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WEC autumn seminar - Generation adequacy in a new climate

The transition of the European energy systems is getting more and more visible. Renewables are added to the grid, thermal capacity is shut down and the European grid is developing. In Sweden the latest Kraftbalans report by Svenska kraftnät (Swedish TSO) shows, for the first time, an import dependency during a normal winter. How is the generation adequacy status of our neighboring countries?  And how robust is the north European energy system?  Last summer also shows that the energy system is greatly affected by climate change. How will this influence our possibility to meet future needs, how resilient is the energy system towards a changing climate?

Both these highly relevant topics will be discussed during Swedish WEC’s autumn seminar this year. We hope that you will join us in the discussion, which will be moderated by Lina Palm of Uniper.

Venue: IVA, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm

Date: Thursday, November 8th, 13.00 – 16.00

13.00 Welcome, Maria Sunér Fleming, Chairman of Swedish WEC

13.05 “The energy sector is feeling the heat”, Caroline Lee, IEA

13.25 Klimat och sårbarhetsanalys av det svenska energisystemet, Tobias Jakobsson, Energimyndigheten

13.45 Panel discussion with IEA, Energimyndigheten och Ulla Sandborgh, Svenska kraftnät

14.00 Coffee break

14.15 Adequacy in a North European perspective, Erik Böhlmark, Svenska kraftnät, represents ENTSO-E

14.35 A German view, generation and transmission in transition, Stephan Krieger, BDEW (tbc)

14.55 A Norwegian view, green battery in dry conditions, Håkon Borgen, Statnett         

15.15 A Swedish view, from self-sufficient to import-dependent, Ulla Sandborgh, Svenska kraftnät

15.35 Panel discussion with views from ENTSO-E, Germany, Norway and Sweden

15.55 Closing of seminar


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Sara Emanuelsson

Sara Emanuelsson

Enhetschef Politik & samhälle
Enhet: Politik & samhälle
Telefon: 08-677 26 56
E-post: sara.emanuelsson@energiforetagen.se