Create a CV

Publicerat av: Eva Rydegran ·


A CV is a list of your education and experience. Take the time to do it clearly and accurately – and briefly! It should take no more than half a minute to read, but still give the right picture of you.

The appearance of CVs can be different, but it should be no more than two pages long.

Go through it every time you apply for a job. Make sure it is clear and that the content makes it easy for the recipient to understand who you are and how you can contribute.

nyisverige_ikon_tips_f.png In this example of a CV (in Swedish) you can see some of the following tips


Describe yourself in a bullet list

  • Summarise specific skills in your professional field: specialisations and approaches that you know or believe are significant.
  • Give examples of general skills you have. See what is mentioned in the job advertisement and use what you found in the exercise Find your general skills.

List your education and experience

List education and professional experience with a brief description. Use verbs and formulations from the exercise Put your experience into words in the previous step.

In order to make a short and easy-to-read CV, you can use the heading Selected work experience.

  • Select and include what is most important for this particular application.
  • Summarise or remove what is less important and that goes back a long way.

Pay close attention to the language

Make sure that the language in your CV is correct.

  • Use spellcheck software.
  • Read aloud.
  • Ask someone else – preferably with Swedish as their first language – to read your CV and give you some feedback.

Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date

Many recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates and to find out more about people who apply for a job.

Make sure your profile in LinkedIn is current and up-to-date – if you're looking for a job, this should also be stated there.

You can find more information about LinkedIn on the page Build a network.

Ready to apply for work experience placements and jobs

Now you have a good basis for looking for a job and making contact.

Click on the picture to move on to the next step!




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Elin Fellers

Elin Fellers

Projektkoordinator välutbildade nyanlända
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