EBR Induction and influence - safety measures for overhead lines

EBR Induction and influence A 410:22e.

This handbook supplements the electrical safety instructions (ESA) as there is a need to clarify and illustrate the issues around induction and influence. In addition, there is a need to strengthen competence in the industry.


Please note that this document is a translation of the original Swedish version. In the event of discrepancies between the original Swedish version and this translation, the original Swedish version shall prevail.

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According to the Swedish Work Environment Act, the employer must take all necessary measures to prevent employees from being exposed to ill-health or accidents.

Over the years, there have been a number of fatal accidents and serious incidents in the energy industry due to induction and influence. Induction and influence may occur in overhead lines, cables, fencing or other conductive structures that are close to and/or that cross an energised overhead line.

During construction, maintenance and demolition of an overhead line running parallel to another current-carrying line, the energised line (emitting line) may produce a voltage in the de-energised line (receiving line) by induction. Through influence, conductive parts that are insulated from earth, such as a receiving line, stays, stay wires and vehicles/work machinery, may become charged and assume a potential. The risk of induction and influence must therefore always be considered in risk management and planning.

Dangerous currents and voltages can occur due to electric and magnetic fields even though the installation (receiving line) is de-energised. These currents and voltages:

  • are instantaneous
  • are difficult to predict
  • must be addressed

In order to clarify the issues around the risks and dangers of induction more generally, a project describing how induction should be addressed will follow up this manual.

Format: Booklet and PDF
Pages: 88

EBR number:  A 410:22e

Engelsk utgivning av svenskt original: januari 2024

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Please note that this document is a translation of the original Swedish version. In the event of discrepancies between the original Swedish version and this translation, the original Swedish version shall prevail.